U. Windsor RAEON Buoy

This buoy is owned and operated by the University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research. Funding for the buoys was made possible by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and is a part of the Real-time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network (RAEON), housed at the University of Windsor. LimnoTech supported the development and testing of this buoy. For more information on this buoy please email Aaron Fisk, afisk@uwindsor.ca
Conditions at Station uwraeon2 as of
10/10/2019 10:40:00 EST
(Click on 'Update' to enter changes)
Measurements in red indicate failed validity tests.
Measurements in orange indicate questionable validity tests.
Graph Click on the graph icon, in the table below, to see a time series plot of the last five days of that observation.
Datasheet Click on the page icon to view datasheet of sensor.
Text the Station ID (uwraeon2) to (734)-418-7299 to receive the latest observation on the go.
5-day plot - Battery Voltage   No Datasheet Battery Voltage ( )13.04 V
5-day plot - Air Temperature   Datasheet Air Temperature ( )63.1 °F
5-day plot - Barometric Pressure   Datasheet Barometric Pressure ( )1018.53 mBar
5-day plot - Wind Speed   Datasheet Wind Speed ( )0.3 knots
5-day plot - Wind Gust Speed   Datasheet Wind Gust Speed ( )1.4 knots
5-day plot - Wind Direction   Datasheet Wind Direction ( )E (97.2°)
5-day plot - Water Temperature at Surface    Water Temperature at Surface ( )60.2 °F
5-day plot - Significant Wave Height   Datasheet Significant Wave Height ( )--- ft.
5-day plot - Maximum Wave Height   Datasheet Maximum Wave Height ( )0.04 ft.
5-day plot - Dominant Period of Waves   Datasheet Dominant Period of Waves ( )8.2 Sec.
5-day plot - Wave Direction   Datasheet Wave Direction ( )103 °
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 3.3 ft. (TP001)60.2 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 6.6 ft. (TP002)62.9 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 9.8 ft. (TP003)61.8 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 13.1 ft. (TP004)63.3 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 16.4 ft. (TP005)62.8 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 19.7 ft. (TP006)61.6 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 23.0 ft. (TP007)62.4 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 26.3 ft. (TP008)62.2 °F
5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth:   DatasheetThermistor Temperature, depth: 29.5 ft. (TP009)61.6 °F
41.84999082.43 Decimal Degrees [DDD.DDDDD]
41 50.9994 N82 25.8 W Degrees, Decimal Minutes [DDD MM.MMMM]
41 50 59 N82 25 48 W Degrees, Minutes, Seconds [DDD MM SS]
green diamond Currently selected station
yellow diamond Stations with recent data
red diamond Stations with no data in last hour
Station uwraeon2

Click on image below to view webcam images and video
Thermistor Plots (Temperature Profiles)
View all thermistors on the same plot:
5-Day Plot
View all thermistors on the same plot:
5-Day Plot

Station uwraeon2

Previous Observations
5-day plot - Buoy (DATE) 5-day plot - Battery Voltage 5-day plot - Air Temperature 5-day plot - Barometric Pressure 5-day plot - Wind Speed 5-day plot - Wind Gust Speed 5-day plot - Wind Direction 5-day plot - Water Temperature at Surface 5-day plot - Significant Wave Height 5-day plot - Maximum Wave Height 5-day plot - Dominant Period of Waves 5-day plot - Wave Direction 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Thermistor Temperature, depth: 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity

















































6540 10/10/2019 10:40:00 13.04 63.1 1018.53 0.3 1.4 E 60.2 --- 0.04 8.2 103 60.2 62.9 61.8 63.3 62.8 61.6 62.4 62.2 61.6 6.56 0.45 0.98 9.84 0.56 1.24 13.12 0.76 1.81 16.4 2.12 1.96 19.69 0.74 2.45 22.97 2.13 2.47 26.25 2.31 2.35 29.53 1.64 1.95 32.81 0.49 1.66 36.09 1.11 1.66
6539 10/10/2019 10:20:00 13.06 62.5 1018.72 1.1 3.1 SSE 59.5 --- 0.01 6.5 146 59.5 61.9 60.7 61.9 62.0 60.8 61.7 61.2 60.8 6.56 0.72 1.25 9.84 -0.21 0.04 13.12 2.09 1.53 16.4 2.65 2.08 19.69 2.51 1.52 22.97 2.1 1.73 26.25 2.11 2.61 29.53 2.33 2.68 32.81 1.57 2.1 36.09 1.21 1.89
6538 10/10/2019 10:00:00 13.04 62 1018.66 1 4.3 ESE 58.9 --- 0.01 7 165 58.9 61.2 60.2 61.2 61.2 60.1 60.8 60.6 60.1 6.56 0.45 1.37 9.84 0.34 0.34 13.12 1.86 2.32 16.4 2 2.59 19.69 2.46 1.94 22.97 2.1 2.08 26.25 2.74 2.6 29.53 1.87 1.75 32.81 1.76 1.72 36.09 2.06 1.43
6537 10/10/2019 09:40:00 13.07 61.5 1018.7 0.7 1.8 S 58.5 --- 0.01 6.6 163 58.5 60.6 60.2 60.8 60.6 59.7 60.3 60.0 59.7 6.56 0.49 0.71 9.84 0.68 0.29 13.12 2.32 2.3 16.4 2.37 1.43 19.69 2.38 1.42 22.97 1.57 2.31 26.25 2.18 2.75 29.53 1.73 1.45 32.81 2.5 1.46 36.09 1.64 2.08
6536 10/10/2019 09:20:00 13.09 61.3 1018.59 1.1 3.1 ENE 58.3 --- 0.01 6.2 160 58.3 60.0 59.6 60.1 60.0 59.1 59.9 59.4 59.5 6.56 0.79 0.91 9.84 -0.06 0.1 13.12 2.4 2.39 16.4 1.39 1.55 19.69 2.29 2.75 22.97 1.87 1.05 26.25 1.12 1.1 29.53 1.23 1.71 32.81 1.61 2.73 36.09 2.69 2.23
6535 10/10/2019 09:00:00 13.24 59.3 1018.11 4 16.8 N 58.5 1.1 1.62 6.7 165 58.5 59.6 58.4 59.5 59.6 58.5 60.9 59.0 59.7 6.56 0.78 0.44 9.84 -0.12 0.07 13.12 1.45 2.03 16.4 1.17 2.2 19.69 2.01 1.82 22.97 1.8 1.94 26.25 2.16 1.63 29.53 2.32 3.01 32.81 2.2 1.59 36.09 1.14 2.49
6534 10/10/2019 08:40:00 13.21 55 1017.84 10.2 31 W 55 1.1 1.62 6.7 165 55.0 55.5 54.7 55.6 55.7 54.7 55.7 55.4 55.7 6.56 0.68 1.03 9.84 0.41 0.46 13.12 0.5 3.33 16.4 0.85 2.37 19.69 1.69 2.66 22.97 1.38 2.38 26.25 1.71 1.88 29.53 1.56 2.2 32.81 1.09 2.29 36.09 2.05 2.71
6533 10/10/2019 08:20:00 13.08 52 1017.16 -963.6 27.7 WNW 52.7 1.1 1.62 6.7 165 52.7 52.9 52.5 52.5 52.9 52.5 52.5 52.7 52.7 6.56 0.21 2.53 9.84 0.01 0.39 13.12 1.69 2.42 16.4 1.65 2.1 19.69 1.69 2.25 22.97 1.36 2.59 26.25 1.24 2.61 29.53 1.81 2.81 32.81 1.56 2.54 36.09 1.56 3.54
6532 10/10/2019 08:00:00 13.08 50.8 1017.32 1.1 3.8 E 51 1.1 1.62 6.7 165 51.0 51.3 50.9 51.0 51.0 51.6 51.9 51.2 51.8 6.56 1.6 1.57 9.84 0.05 -0.69 13.12 2.64 1.77 16.4 2.67 0.81 19.69 2.85 1.24 22.97 2.63 0.23 26.25 2.69 2.4 29.53 3.05 1.4 32.81 3.28 2.59 36.09 1.59 1.31
6531 10/10/2019 07:40:00 13.07 49.9 1017.38 0.7 2.3 WSW 50.2 1.7 2.62 6.6 205 50.2 50.6 50.4 50.5 50.5 51.0 50.7 50.5 50.6 6.56 1.25 1.39 9.84 -0.48 0.24 13.12 2.43 2.14 16.4 1.8 1.76 19.69 2 2.64 22.97 2.09 2.06 26.25 2.36 1.91 29.53 1.61 1.53 32.81 2.45 0.85 36.09 2.18 1.38
6530 10/10/2019 07:20:00 13.03 48.1 1017.45 1 3.5 NE 49.2 0.2 0.23 7.1 333 49.2 49.8 50.3 49.6 49.4 50.9 49.8 50.4 50.9 6.56 -0.78 2.01 9.84 -1.11 0.84 13.12 -1.29 1.95 16.4 -1.45 1.8 19.69 -0.64 3.05 22.97 -1.03 2.55 26.25 -0.44 3.14 29.53 -0.68 2.69 32.81 -0.18 3.13 36.09 -1.36 3.23
6529 10/10/2019 07:00:00 13.06 47.5 1017.63 0.6 2.3 NE 48.5 --- 0.02 7.5 111 48.5 48.1 48.5 47.7 47.7 51.6 48.1 51.6 51.6 6.56 -1.18 2.29 9.84 -1.21 1.98 13.12 -0.8 2.11 16.4 -1.02 2.12 19.69 -0.93 2.82 22.97 -0.99 2.62 26.25 -0.42 2.32 29.53 -0.61 2.96 32.81 -0.59 3.91 36.09 -0.42 1.19
6528 10/10/2019 06:40:00 13.06 47.6 1017.74 0.6 1 NE 48.5 --- 0.01 6.9 264 48.5 47.6 48.1 47.0 47.3 51.8 47.8 51.7 51.8 6.56 -1.14 2.14 9.84 -0.79 1.7 13.12 -0.32 3.28 16.4 -1.26 3.08 19.69 -0.97 2.67 22.97 0.01 2.69 26.25 -0.44 2.79 29.53 -0.57 2.36 32.81 -0.16 2.68 36.09 -0.5 2.52
6527 10/10/2019 06:20:00 13.07 47.9 1017.68 0.6 1.3 NNE 48.5 --- 0.01 6.5 349 48.5 47.6 48.1 47.1 47.3 52.0 47.9 52.0 52.0 6.56 -0.64 1.94 9.84 0.49 1.25 13.12 -0.62 1.48 16.4 -0.21 2.69 19.69 -0.89 2.85 22.97 -0.32 2.78 26.25 -0.95 3.13 29.53 -0.67 2.52 32.81 -0.7 2.95 36.09 -0.98 2.68
6526 10/10/2019 06:00:00 13.06 48.1 1017.77 0.5 1.1 N 48.6 --- 0.01 7.3 351 48.6 47.7 48.3 47.3 47.5 52.3 48.0 52.2 52.2 6.56 -1.31 2.7 9.84 -1.79 2.45 13.12 -1.14 2.58 16.4 -1.3 1.8 19.69 0.45 2.16 22.97 -1.54 3.15 26.25 -0.42 2.18 29.53 -0.95 3.41 32.81 -0.98 3.23 36.09 -1.64 3.09
6525 10/10/2019 05:40:00 13.07 48.5 1017.51 0.4 0.8 E 48.3 --- 0.02 6.7 354 48.3 47.4 48.2 46.5 47.2 52.5 47.5 52.5 52.4 6.56 -1.63 2.48 9.84 -1.24 1.38 13.12 -0.82 2.65 16.4 0.07 2.88 19.69 0.05 3.18 22.97 -1.04 2.59 26.25 -1.61 2.28 29.53 0.68 2.43 32.81 -1.38 3.49 36.09 -0.94 3.02
6524 10/10/2019 05:20:00 13.07 48.9 1017.21 0.5 0.9 NE 49.3 --- 0.02 6.1 356 49.3 48.1 48.8 47.2 48.0 52.7 48.5 52.5 52.6 6.56 -0.7 1.69 9.84 -0.78 1.01 13.12 -0.93 2.17 16.4 -0.2 2.5 19.69 -0.77 2 22.97 -0.32 2.73 26.25 -0.55 3.18 29.53 -0.76 3.22 32.81 -1.2 3.14 36.09 -0.45 2.75
6523 10/10/2019 05:00:00 13.06 49.1 1017.04 0.4 1 NE 49.6 --- 0.01 6.9 347 49.6 48.3 49.1 47.6 48.3 52.9 48.7 52.8 52.8 6.56 -1.12 1.88 9.84 -0.67 1.33 13.12 -1.67 2.43 16.4 -0.37 2.63 19.69 -1.12 2.64 22.97 -0.78 2.74 26.25 -0.03 3.08 29.53 -1.2 2.92 32.81 -1.26 2.63 36.09 -1.52 2.11
6522 10/10/2019 04:40:00 13.07 49.4 1017.01 0.3 0.6 NE 49.5 --- 0.01 6.9 347 49.5 48.4 49.2 47.7 48.4 53.1 48.4 53.0 53.0 6.56 -0.95 2.23 9.84 -1.19 1.97 13.12 -0.59 3.74 16.4 -0.45 2.89 19.69 -0.47 2.98 22.97 -1.21 2.92 26.25 -0.57 3.03 29.53 -0.78 4.12 32.81 -1.12 3.11 36.09 -0.27 1.64
6521 10/10/2019 04:20:00 13.06 49.9 1016.75 0.4 0.8 NE 50.1 --- 0.02 7 351 50.1 48.6 49.5 47.5 48.7 53.3 49.0 53.2 53.2 6.56 -0.57 1.06 9.84 -1.19 2.32 13.12 -0.66 2.87 16.4 -0.47 3.81 19.69 -0.51 2.64 22.97 0.17 2.93 26.25 -0.39 3.85 29.53 -0.61 3.22 32.81 -0.45 3.59 36.09 -0.47 2.72
6520 10/10/2019 04:00:00 13.07 50.3 1016.72 0.3 0.7 NE 50.3 --- 0.01 7.3 346 50.3 48.8 49.6 48.0 49.1 53.5 49.3 53.4 53.4 6.56 -0.42 1.69 9.84 -0.62 3.05 13.12 0.4 2.5 16.4 -0.05 2.48 19.69 -0.54 3.68 22.97 -0.83 2.02 26.25 -0.84 2.85 29.53 0.12 2.39 32.81 -0.38 4.08 36.09 -2.13 2.44
6519 10/10/2019 03:40:00 13.07 50.7 1016.72 0.5 1 NE 50.9 --- - --- --- 50.9 49.7 50.4 48.7 49.9 53.7 50.2 53.6 53.6 6.56 -1.56 2.42 9.84 -0.14 2.17 13.12 -0.23 2.42 16.4 -0.87 2.25 19.69 0.25 1.54 22.97 -0.51 2.35 26.25 -0.84 3.92 29.53 -1.41 2.75 32.81 -0.42 3.65 36.09 -0.34 2.44
6518 10/10/2019 03:20:00 13.07 50.9 1016.6 0.6 2 NE 51 --- 0.01 7.2 353 51.0 50.0 50.6 49.3 50.2 53.8 50.5 53.8 53.8 6.56 -1.29 2.08 9.84 -0.63 3.11 13.12 -0.39 4.04 16.4 0.01 1.4 19.69 0.32 3.42 22.97 0.33 2.04 26.25 -0.95 3.31 29.53 -1.15 2.05 32.81 -0.43 3.29 36.09 -0.83 2.01
6517 10/10/2019 03:00:00 13.07 51.1 1016.59 0.6 1.8 NE 51.1 --- 0.01 7.2 353 51.1 50.1 50.7 49.4 50.3 54.0 50.7 53.9 54.0 6.56 -0.95 1.14 9.84 -1.53 2.79 13.12 -0.49 3.25 16.4 -0.49 3.09 19.69 -0.43 3.15 22.97 0.44 2.13 26.25 0.41 2.85 29.53 -0.92 2.6 32.81 -0.18 2.5 36.09 -0.68 3
6516 10/10/2019 02:40:00 13.07 51.2 1016.65 0.7 1.8 NE 51.3 --- 0.02 7.2 343 51.3 50.6 51.0 50.1 50.6 54.3 50.9 54.1 54.2 6.56 -0.61 1.98 9.84 -1.93 2.65 13.12 0.01 2.79 16.4 -0.25 3.16 19.69 -0.19 2.41 22.97 -0.29 2.6 26.25 -1.14 2.52 29.53 -0.66 2.84 32.81 -0.68 3.28 36.09 -0.22 3.64
6515 10/10/2019 02:20:00 13.09 51.6 1016.64 0.5 1.1 NE 51.3 --- 0.01 6.4 341 51.3 50.4 51.0 49.6 50.6 54.4 50.8 54.4 54.4 6.56 -0.41 1.65 9.84 -1.49 3.12 13.12 -1.24 2.95 16.4 -0.53 2.76 19.69 0.58 3.52 22.97 -0.64 2.86 26.25 -0.43 3.15 29.53 -1.49 3.69 32.81 -0.02 3.2 36.09 -1.6 3.89
6514 10/10/2019 02:00:00 13.08 51.9 1016.65 0.4 0.9 NE 51.6 --- 0.01 7.1 348 51.6 50.7 51.4 50.0 51.1 54.6 51.2 54.6 54.6 6.56 -0.8 2.02 9.84 -1 3.29 13.12 -0.84 3.26 16.4 -1.27 3.12 19.69 -0.42 3.48 22.97 -0.67 3.1 26.25 -1.18 2.85 29.53 -1.4 3.14 32.81 0.07 4.16 36.09 -0.77 2.51
6513 10/10/2019 01:40:00 13.07 52.1 1016.64 0.4 1 NNE 51.7 --- 0.01 7.4 357 51.7 50.9 51.6 50.2 51.4 54.8 51.5 54.8 54.8 6.56 -0.67 1.49 9.84 -0.61 2.75 13.12 -0.08 2.54 16.4 -0.24 3.17 19.69 0.99 3.03 22.97 -0.54 2.29 26.25 0.67 3.16 29.53 -1.5 3.36 32.81 0.1 3.91 36.09 -0.4 3.29
6512 10/10/2019 01:20:00 13.08 52 1016.7 0.4 0.8 NNE 51.7 --- 0.02 7.8 339 51.7 51.1 51.8 50.5 51.7 55.0 51.8 55.0 55.0 6.56 -0.81 1.38 9.84 -0.78 2.76 13.12 -0.62 2.91 16.4 -0.45 2.72 19.69 -0.53 2.41 22.97 -1.32 1.96 26.25 -1.32 3.11 29.53 -0.77 2.37 32.81 -0.51 2.55 36.09 -0.08 3.24
6511 10/10/2019 01:00:00 13.09 52.1 1016.72 0.4 0.9 NNE 51.7 --- 0.01 7.3 341 51.7 51.0 51.7 50.3 51.5 55.2 51.7 55.2 55.2 6.56 -0.79 1.24 9.84 -0.85 2.88 13.12 -1.15 3.68 16.4 -1.05 2.51 19.69 -1.18 2.55 22.97 -0.64 2.93 26.25 -1.26 3.9 29.53 -0.86 1.98 32.81 -0.44 3.06 36.09 -1.48 2.24

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Station uwraeon2

Great Lakes Research Center
    1400 Townsend Drive
    Houghton, MI, 49931
Page last modified: August 9, 2017



Michigan Tech University, in cooperation with LimnoTech and Great Lakes Observing System

Copyright © 2012-2017 Michigan Technological University