Mackinac Straits West

Conditions at Station 45175 as of
10/28/2024 03:40:00 STN
(Click on 'Update' to enter changes)
Measurements in red indicate failed validity tests.
Measurements in orange indicate questionable validity tests.
Graph Click on the graph icon, in the table below, to see a time series plot of the last five days of that observation.
Datasheet Click on the page icon to view datasheet of sensor.
Text the Station ID (45175) to (734)-418-7299 to receive the latest observation on the go.
5-day plot - Wind Direction   Datasheet Wind Direction ( ) (0°)
5-day plot - Wind Speed   Datasheet Wind Speed ( )0 knots
5-day plot - Air Temperature   Datasheet Air Temperature ( )69.4 °F
5-day plot - Water Temperature at Surface    Water Temperature at Surface ( )64.8 °F
5-day plot - Relative Humidity   Datasheet Relative Humidity ( )41 %
5-day plot - Barometric Pressure   Datasheet Barometric Pressure ( )1023 mBar
5-day plot - Pyranometer   Datasheet Pyranometer ( )1 W m-2
5-day plot - Significant Wave Height   Datasheet Significant Wave Height ( )--- ft.
5-day plot - Dominant Period of Waves   Datasheet Dominant Period of Waves ( )6 Sec.
5-day plot - Wave Direction   Datasheet Wave Direction ( )41 °
5-day plot - Maximum Wave Height   Datasheet Maximum Wave Height ( )0.01 ft.
5-day plot - Avg. Height of 1/10 Largest Waves   Datasheet Avg. Height of 1/10 Largest Waves ( )0.01 ft.
5-day plot - Wave Maximum Period   Datasheet Wave Maximum Period ( )6.96 Sec.
5-day plot - Battery Voltage   No Datasheet Battery Voltage ( )11.06 V
45.8252684.77217 Decimal Degrees [DDD.DDDDD]
45 49.5156 N84 46.3302 W Degrees, Decimal Minutes [DDD MM.MMMM]
45 49 30 N84 46 19 W Degrees, Minutes, Seconds [DDD MM SS]
green diamond Currently selected station
yellow diamond Stations with recent data
red diamond Stations with no data in last hour
ADCP Plots (Current Profiles)
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5-Day Plot
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5-Day Plot

Station 45175

Previous Observations
5-day plot - Wind Speed 5-day plot - Wind Direction 5-day plot - Air Temperature 5-day plot - Water Temperature at Surface 5-day plot - Relative Humidity 5-day plot - Dew Point 5-day plot - Barometric Pressure 5-day plot - Solar Radiation 5-day plot - Significant Wave Height 5-day plot - Dominant Period of Waves 5-day plot - Wave Direction 5-day plot - Buoy (A1) 5-day plot - Buoy (B1) 5-day plot - Buoy (A2) 5-day plot - Buoy (B2) 5-day plot - Buoy (AGE) 5-day plot - Battery Voltage 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity 5-day plot - Current Measurement Depth 5-day plot - Eastward water velocity 5-day plot - Northward water velocity






(W m-2)





















































































315469 10/28/2024 03:40:00 0 - 69.4 64.8 41 44.8 1023 1 --- 6 41 0.19 -0.66 1.82 1.76 - 11.06 3.28 -1.2 0.2 6.56 -0.72 -1.16 9.84 1.05 0.26 13.12 1.74 -0.25 16.4 0.79 -1.31 19.69 -0.33 -0.6 22.97 -1.48 -0.39 26.25 -0.93 0.74 29.53 -0.09 0.28 32.81 0.1 1.18 36.09 -1.89 0.26 39.37 -2.02 1.02 42.65 -0.74 0.56 45.93 -0.71 -2.2 49.21 0.51 0.53 52.49 0.56 -0.65 55.77 0.73 0.75 59.06 -0.78 0.87 62.34 -0.52 0.03 65.62 2.75 -0.2 68.9 0.15 0.2 72.18 -0.08 0.39 75.46 -1.59 -0.74 78.74 0.99 0.27 82.02 0.62 0.36 85.3 -1.14 -0.3 88.58 -0.48 -0.41
315468 10/28/2024 03:20:00 0 - 66.7 65.1 43 44.1 1023 - --- 6.5 186 0.08 -0.32 1.1 0.26 - 11.15 3.28 -1.39 1.88 6.56 -2.52 -1.58 9.84 -0.14 -0.03 13.12 -0.48 -0.46 16.4 1.02 0.57 19.69 -0.82 0.56 22.97 0.15 0.26 26.25 -0.91 -0.67 29.53 -1.17 -0.25 32.81 1.11 -1.37 36.09 -1.04 -0.99 39.37 1.27 0.45 42.65 0.88 0.22 45.93 -0.23 -1.26 49.21 0.83 -0.3 52.49 -0.1 -1.27 55.77 1.09 -0.35 59.06 0.36 2.16 62.34 -2.1 0.46 65.62 -0.64 -0.29 68.9 0.41 1.96 72.18 -1.27 0.1 75.46 0.79 -1.12 78.74 -2.38 0.69 82.02 0.35 0.11 85.3 0.41 -0.06 88.58 0.93 0.5
315467 10/28/2024 03:00:00 0 - 67.3 65.2 43 44.2 1023 - --- 6.4 230 -0.59 -0.02 5.01 -4.35 - 11.21 3.28 -1.04 -0.35 6.56 0.66 0.67 9.84 0.93 -0.3 13.12 -0.2 0.83 16.4 0.78 1.74 19.69 0.04 0.97 22.97 -0.59 -0.4 26.25 0.32 0.46 29.53 -0.48 0.43 32.81 -2.22 1.52 36.09 0.43 0.6 39.37 0.96 0.97 42.65 0.46 -0.39 45.93 0.28 -0.01 49.21 -1.41 0.9 52.49 -0.85 -0.13 55.77 0.86 2.71 59.06 -0.22 -0.66 62.34 0.03 0.75 65.62 0.18 0.06 68.9 0.71 -0.1 72.18 1.04 0.54 75.46 1.58 0.74 78.74 -0.56 -0.31 82.02 0.09 1.04 85.3 0.7 0.25 88.58 -0.56 0.83
315466 10/28/2024 02:40:00 0 - 68.2 65.2 42 44.4 1023 - --- 6.4 279 0.6 0.77 1.99 -0.27 - 11.3 3.28 -1.04 -0.35 6.56 0.66 0.67 9.84 0.93 -0.3 13.12 -0.2 0.83 16.4 0.78 1.74 19.69 0.04 0.97 22.97 -0.59 -0.4 26.25 0.32 0.46 29.53 -0.48 0.43 32.81 -2.22 1.52 36.09 0.43 0.6 39.37 0.96 0.97 42.65 0.46 -0.39 45.93 0.28 -0.01 49.21 -1.41 0.9 52.49 -0.85 -0.13 55.77 0.86 2.71 59.06 -0.22 -0.66 62.34 0.03 0.75 65.62 0.18 0.06 68.9 0.71 -0.1 72.18 1.04 0.54 75.46 1.58 0.74 78.74 -0.56 -0.31 82.02 0.09 1.04 85.3 0.7 0.25 88.58 -0.56 0.83
315465 10/28/2024 02:20:00 0 - 69.6 --- 40 44.6 1023 - --- 6 114 -0.61 -0.21 1.74 0.61 - 11.35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
315464 10/28/2024 01:40:00 0 - 67.6 65.3 43 44.4 1023 - --- 6.4 205 -0.54 0.66 2.73 -1.53 - 11.48 3.28 0.02 -1.39 6.56 -0.44 0.69 9.84 -0.05 1.1 13.12 1.47 -0.03 16.4 0.62 -0.49 19.69 0.3 1.65 22.97 0.26 -1.1 26.25 -0.2 0.68 29.53 0.66 -1.05 32.81 -0.35 0.98 36.09 0.17 0.63 39.37 -1.23 0.51 42.65 2.52 -2.07 45.93 -0.62 0.53 49.21 0.21 0.54 52.49 0.85 0.28 55.77 1.65 -0.69 59.06 -0.28 0.01 62.34 0.4 -0.33 65.62 0.02 0.8 68.9 0.45 0.85 72.18 2.26 0.91 75.46 0.01 1.25 78.74 0.47 0.22 82.02 0.93 0.36 85.3 -0.59 1.35 88.58 0.44 2.22
315463 10/28/2024 01:20:00 0 - 68.4 64.9 42 44.4 1023 - --- 6.6 65 -0.19 -0.65 2.43 0.68 - 11.54 3.28 1.39 0.63 6.56 -2.21 2.6 9.84 0.68 -0.12 13.12 -0.22 1.26 16.4 -0.37 1.18 19.69 1.34 0.56 22.97 1.07 -0.62 26.25 -0.6 0.46 29.53 -0.5 0.28 32.81 -0.35 -0.67 36.09 -0.93 1.18 39.37 -0.93 1.02 42.65 1.6 0.49 45.93 -0.95 0.87 49.21 0.95 0.61 52.49 0.19 0.85 55.77 -2.6 0.59 59.06 -0.83 0.53 62.34 -0.01 0.36 65.62 -1 0.81 68.9 -0.7 1.26 72.18 -1.6 0.94 75.46 1.9 0.27 78.74 -0.5 0.79 82.02 -0.82 1.34 85.3 0.17 0.51 88.58 -0.75 2.29
315462 10/28/2024 01:00:00 0 - 70.2 65.2 40 45 1023 3 --- 6.1 336 -0.53 0.36 0.36 0.33 - 11.59 3.28 -0.89 0.73 6.56 -1.44 0.1 9.84 -0.1 -0.65 13.12 -0.47 1.09 16.4 -0.93 1.42 19.69 1.79 1.24 22.97 0.1 0.71 26.25 -1.05 0.76 29.53 0.58 -0.02 32.81 0.68 -0.87 36.09 -0.11 0.28 39.37 0.07 0.82 42.65 0.76 0.64 45.93 0.97 -0.2 49.21 0.52 1.25 52.49 0.02 0.17 55.77 -0.15 -0.38 59.06 0.42 0.77 62.34 1.39 -0.26 65.62 -0.39 1.21 68.9 1.2 -1.02 72.18 -1.44 -0.35 75.46 0.46 -0.09 78.74 0.61 -0.08 82.02 1.65 -0.74 85.3 -0.57 -0.11 88.58 0.74 0.94
315461 10/28/2024 00:40:00 0 - 67.3 65.2 43 44.2 1022 - --- 6.4 53 -0.41 0.81 1.14 -0.07 - 11.66 3.28 -0.89 0.73 6.56 -1.44 0.1 9.84 -0.1 -0.65 13.12 -0.47 1.09 16.4 -0.93 1.42 19.69 1.79 1.24 22.97 0.1 0.71 26.25 -1.05 0.76 29.53 0.58 -0.02 32.81 0.68 -0.87 36.09 -0.11 0.28 39.37 0.07 0.82 42.65 0.76 0.64 45.93 0.97 -0.2 49.21 0.52 1.25 52.49 0.02 0.17 55.77 -0.15 -0.38 59.06 0.42 0.77 62.34 1.39 -0.26 65.62 -0.39 1.21 68.9 1.2 -1.02 72.18 -1.44 -0.35 75.46 0.46 -0.09 78.74 0.61 -0.08 82.02 1.65 -0.74 85.3 -0.57 -0.11 88.58 0.74 0.94
315460 10/28/2024 00:20:00 0 - 67.8 65.4 42 44.4 1023 - --- 6 300 0.6 -0.53 1.35 0.31 - 11.71 3.28 1.31 -0.3 6.56 0.14 1.29 9.84 1.38 0.68 13.12 1.45 0.77 16.4 0.08 -0.37 19.69 0.12 0.1 22.97 1.24 0.98 26.25 0.11 1.1 29.53 -0.04 0.28 32.81 1.11 0.38 36.09 -1.94 2.1 39.37 -1.42 0.3 42.65 -0.69 -0.14 45.93 1.4 1.06 49.21 -0.5 -0.25 52.49 -0.18 -0.51 55.77 1.7 -1.21 59.06 -0.87 1.25 62.34 -1.46 2.16 65.62 -0.02 - 68.9 0.93 0.52 72.18 1.24 -0.64 75.46 -0.17 -0.38 78.74 -0.7 0.57 82.02 -0.81 0.56 85.3 -0.05 0.08 88.58 -0.84 1.57
315459 10/28/2024 00:00:00 0 - 68.7 65 41 44.6 1023 - --- 6.4 293 -0.91 0.3 1.82 0.63 - 11.77 3.28 1.09 -0.02 6.56 -0.04 0.69 9.84 0.18 0.01 13.12 -0.1 1.55 16.4 0.4 1.12 19.69 0.2 1.61 22.97 -1.52 -0.69 26.25 0.68 1.18 29.53 1.87 -0.65 32.81 -2.62 1.13 36.09 -0.75 -0.71 39.37 -1.22 0.92 42.65 -0.19 1.57 45.93 0.75 -1.5 49.21 0.31 1.11 52.49 -1.09 -0.39 55.77 -0.12 1.15 59.06 -0.12 0.12 62.34 -0.57 0.26 65.62 0.66 0.71 68.9 -0.33 -0.04 72.18 -0.76 0.79 75.46 -1.88 1.16 78.74 -0.58 -0.58 82.02 -0.98 1.34 85.3 -0.63 0.48 88.58 -0.33 0.11
315458 10/27/2024 23:40:00 0 - 68.5 65 42 44.6 1023 3 --- 6.5 43 -0.58 0.54 1.51 0.69 - 11.83 3.28 1.09 -0.02 6.56 -0.04 0.69 9.84 0.18 0.01 13.12 -0.1 1.55 16.4 0.4 1.12 19.69 0.2 1.61 22.97 -1.52 -0.69 26.25 0.68 1.18 29.53 1.87 -0.65 32.81 -2.62 1.13 36.09 -0.75 -0.71 39.37 -1.22 0.92 42.65 -0.19 1.57 45.93 0.75 -1.5 49.21 0.31 1.11 52.49 -1.09 -0.39 55.77 -0.12 1.15 59.06 -0.12 0.12 62.34 -0.57 0.26 65.62 0.66 0.71 68.9 -0.33 -0.04 72.18 -0.76 0.79 75.46 -1.88 1.16 78.74 -0.58 -0.58 82.02 -0.98 1.34 85.3 -0.63 0.48 88.58 -0.33 0.11
315457 10/27/2024 23:20:00 0 - 66.9 65.3 44 44.2 1023 - --- 6.2 109 0.48 -0.52 5.49 2.39 - 11.88 3.28 2.22 0.21 6.56 -0.85 0.38 9.84 0.32 0.94 13.12 -1.02 -1.65 16.4 0.35 0.63 19.69 1.73 0.37 22.97 0.56 -0.04 26.25 1.25 1.9 29.53 3.09 -1.26 32.81 0.15 0.61 36.09 0.48 0.1 39.37 -0.71 -0.87 42.65 0.68 1.47 45.93 2.41 1.03 49.21 -0.29 0.15 52.49 0.16 1.57 55.77 -1.93 1.14 59.06 0.19 1.16 62.34 -0.11 -0.42 65.62 1.73 -0.35 68.9 0.07 2.08 72.18 0.78 -0.54 75.46 1.29 -0.16 78.74 0.03 0.19 82.02 -1.5 1 85.3 -0.64 1.21 88.58 0.7 -1.18
315456 10/27/2024 23:00:00 0 - 67.3 --- 43 44.4 1023 - --- 6.3 317 0.05 -0.18 1.76 -0.35 - 11.92 3.28 1.31 -1.93 6.56 -0.18 -1.49 9.84 -0.24 -1.11 13.12 -0.92 -1.26 16.4 1.37 -3.14 19.69 0.62 -2.72 22.97 0.96 -0.56 26.25 2.53 0.51 29.53 0.5 -0.86 32.81 0.27 -0.81 36.09 0.09 -1.5 39.37 0.3 -0.34 42.65 -2.04 -1.72 45.93 -0.69 0.3 49.21 1.38 -1.55 52.49 0.38 -1.7 55.77 0.21 -0.24 59.06 0.5 -1.08 62.34 0.19 -1.36 65.62 0.43 0.63 68.9 1.56 -0.7 72.18 1.53 - 75.46 -0.25 -0.44 78.74 1.81 0.2 82.02 1.16 -0.92 85.3 1.41 -1.23 88.58 0.68 -
315455 10/27/2024 22:49:50 0 - 67.5 --- 43 44.6 1023 - --- 6.3 317 0.05 -0.18 1.76 -0.35 - 11.94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
315454 10/07/2024 10:40:00 6.8 S 48.6 61.2 98 48.2 1015 87 0.1 4.5 33 0.08 -0.05 1.74 -0.06 - 13.81 3.28 -0.62 -1.28 6.56 0.1 -2.45 9.84 -1.73 -3.12 13.12 -0.52 -1.59 16.4 -0.01 -3.82 19.69 1.35 -0.5 22.97 0.02 -2.38 26.25 0.05 -0.89 29.53 -0.12 -2.28 32.81 0.46 -1.77 36.09 0.25 -1.24 39.37 -0.45 -1.59 42.65 -0.56 -2.15 45.93 -0.91 -2 49.21 0.24 -3 52.49 0.17 -1.6 55.77 0.49 0.72 59.06 -0.29 -3.13 62.34 0.11 -2.37 65.62 0.35 -1.24 68.9 -1.49 -2.68 72.18 -0.49 -0.75 75.46 - -1.82 78.74 0.67 -2.2 82.02 -0.84 -0.52 85.3 -0.59 -1.54 88.58 -0.22 -0.8
315453 10/07/2024 10:20:00 1.1 S 50.5 58.6 97 49.6 1016 68 1.1 4.5 316 0.52 -0.43 0.64 0.35 - 13.64 3.28 1.77 1.93 6.56 1.3 2.52 9.84 1.28 2.53 13.12 1.18 2.62 16.4 1.24 2.61 19.69 1.3 2.9 22.97 1.04 2.58 26.25 1.08 2.27 29.53 0.83 2.06 32.81 0.37 2.47 36.09 0.21 2.59 39.37 0.21 2.74 42.65 0.65 2.58 45.93 0.83 2.48 49.21 0.91 2.24 52.49 0.89 2.31 55.77 1.02 2.25 59.06 1 2.29 62.34 1.09 2.17 65.62 0.8 2.29 68.9 1.08 2.28 72.18 0.95 2.31 75.46 0.89 2.24 78.74 0.78 2.32 82.02 0.96 2.22 85.3 1.14 2.24 88.58 1.05 2.32
315452 10/07/2024 10:00:00 4.9 N 53.6 59.6 58 39.2 1016 442 1.6 4.6 187 -0.25 -0.17 0.53 0.29 - 13.65 3.28 -0.66 3.08 6.56 -2.05 2.08 9.84 -2.16 2.04 13.12 -0.97 2.61 16.4 -1.41 2.01 19.69 -2.72 1.27 22.97 -2.98 1.36 26.25 -2.79 1.56 29.53 -3.01 1.8 32.81 -3.06 1.75 36.09 -3.34 1.47 39.37 -2.82 1.72 42.65 -2.93 1.7 45.93 -3.24 1.45 49.21 -3.08 1.62 52.49 -3.05 1.77 55.77 -2.95 1.76 59.06 -3.15 1.7 62.34 -2.86 1.84 65.62 -2.76 1.75 68.9 -2.86 1.64 72.18 -3.07 1.63 75.46 -2.91 1.75 78.74 -2.91 1.67 82.02 -2.72 1.78 85.3 -2.71 1.7 88.58 -2.6 1.56
315451 10/07/2024 09:40:00 9.7 SW 52.7 59.6 63 40.5 1016 939 1.9 4.5 176 -0.19 -0.54 0.67 0.56 - 13.44 3.28 -0.66 3.08 6.56 -2.05 2.08 9.84 -2.16 2.04 13.12 -0.97 2.61 16.4 -1.41 2.01 19.69 -2.72 1.27 22.97 -2.98 1.36 26.25 -2.79 1.56 29.53 -3.01 1.8 32.81 -3.06 1.75 36.09 -3.34 1.47 39.37 -2.82 1.72 42.65 -2.93 1.7 45.93 -3.24 1.45 49.21 -3.08 1.62 52.49 -3.05 1.77 55.77 -2.95 1.76 59.06 -3.15 1.7 62.34 -2.86 1.84 65.62 -2.76 1.75 68.9 -2.86 1.64 72.18 -3.07 1.63 75.46 -2.91 1.75 78.74 -2.91 1.67 82.02 -2.72 1.78 85.3 -2.71 1.7 88.58 -2.6 1.56
315450 10/07/2024 09:20:00 12.2 SW 52.3 58.3 63 40.5 1016 870 2 5.2 173 0.35 -0.27 1.17 -0.9 - 13.43 3.28 -0.4 3.32 6.56 -1.78 2.35 9.84 -2.42 1.91 13.12 -2.39 1.94 16.4 -2.47 1.86 19.69 -2.48 1.93 22.97 -2.57 1.88 26.25 -2.62 1.92 29.53 -2.61 2.08 32.81 -1.61 2.68 36.09 -1.41 2.45 39.37 -1.8 2.18 42.65 -2.37 2.18 45.93 -2.98 2.02 49.21 -3.11 1.75 52.49 -2.98 1.64 55.77 -2.99 1.8 59.06 -3.08 1.78 62.34 -2.94 1.96 65.62 -2.99 2.01 68.9 -3.02 1.8 72.18 -3.11 1.8 75.46 -3.37 1.71 78.74 -3.49 1.62 82.02 -3.41 1.61 85.3 -3.22 1.6 88.58 -2.98 1.48
315449 10/07/2024 09:00:00 12.8 S 52.2 58.4 66 41.5 1016 809 2 5.4 176 -0.6 -0.47 1 -0.22 - 13.43 3.28 -0.03 3.28 6.56 -1.78 2.46 9.84 -2.27 2.38 13.12 -2.04 2.56 16.4 -1.79 2.48 19.69 -2.27 2.53 22.97 -2.03 2.59 26.25 -2.09 2.5 29.53 -2.11 2.43 32.81 -2.19 2.46 36.09 -2.16 2.53 39.37 -2.14 2.47 42.65 -2.07 2.47 45.93 -1.25 2.85 49.21 -0.89 2.73 52.49 -0.99 2.41 55.77 -1.79 2.45 59.06 -2.14 2.59 62.34 -2.48 2.6 65.62 -2.54 2.68 68.9 -2.62 2.51 72.18 -2.95 2.48 75.46 -2.85 2.46 78.74 -2.64 2.65 82.02 -2.73 2.46 85.3 -2.47 2.51 88.58 -2.43 2.53
315448 10/07/2024 08:40:00 15 WSW 52.2 58.4 68 42.3 1016 486 2.3 5.5 197 -0.92 -0.37 1.15 0.03 - 13.38 3.28 -0.03 3.28 6.56 -1.78 2.46 9.84 -2.27 2.38 13.12 -2.04 2.56 16.4 -1.79 2.48 19.69 -2.27 2.53 22.97 -2.03 2.59 26.25 -2.09 2.5 29.53 -2.11 2.43 32.81 -2.19 2.46 36.09 -2.16 2.53 39.37 -2.14 2.47 42.65 -2.07 2.47 45.93 -1.25 2.85 49.21 -0.89 2.73 52.49 -0.99 2.41 55.77 -1.79 2.45 59.06 -2.14 2.59 62.34 -2.48 2.6 65.62 -2.54 2.68 68.9 -2.62 2.51 72.18 -2.95 2.48 75.46 -2.85 2.46 78.74 -2.64 2.65 82.02 -2.73 2.46 85.3 -2.47 2.51 88.58 -2.43 2.53
315447 10/07/2024 08:20:00 13.7 SW 52 58.5 72 43.2 1016 315 2.5 4 38 0.76 0.57 1.18 0.18 - 13.39 3.28 -0.41 0.43 6.56 -0.32 0.56 9.84 -0.33 0.41 13.12 -0.21 0.45 16.4 -0.38 0.22 19.69 -0.37 0.26 22.97 -0.41 0.25 26.25 -0.32 0.35 29.53 -0.34 0.22 32.81 -0.3 0.37 36.09 -0.35 0.3 39.37 -0.26 0.25 42.65 -0.36 0.25 45.93 -0.3 0.34 49.21 -0.27 0.35 52.49 -0.28 0.27 55.77 -0.17 0.37 59.06 -0.24 0.32 62.34 -0.22 0.33 65.62 -0.23 0.4 68.9 -0.5 0.23 72.18 -0.53 0.27 75.46 -0.37 0.19 78.74 -0.41 0.02 82.02 -0.42 0.17 85.3 -0.45 0.12 88.58 -0.13 -0.27
315446 10/07/2024 08:00:00 19.7 WSW 52 58.4 72 43.3 1016 270 2.3 3.9 39 0.72 0.5 1.04 -0.12 - 13.49 3.28 -0.5 0.35 6.56 -0.47 0.4 9.84 -0.45 0.24 13.12 -0.44 0.31 16.4 -0.32 0.36 19.69 -0.32 0.32 22.97 -0.33 0.3 26.25 -0.49 0.18 29.53 -0.37 0.27 32.81 -0.4 0.31 36.09 -0.55 0.43 39.37 -0.54 0.25 42.65 -0.47 0.36 45.93 -0.33 0.38 49.21 -0.52 0.27 52.49 -0.37 0.33 55.77 -0.48 0.25 59.06 -0.37 0.15 62.34 -0.43 0.21 65.62 -0.47 0.37 68.9 -0.54 0.4 72.18 -0.42 0.17 75.46 -0.44 0.21 78.74 -0.55 0.09 82.02 -0.48 0.08 85.3 -0.26 -0.09 88.58 -0.56 -0.07
315445 10/07/2024 07:40:00 18.3 W 51.4 58.4 68 41.5 1016 187 2.3 4 45 0.69 0.6 0.81 0.29 - 13.44 3.28 -0.5 0.35 6.56 -0.47 0.4 9.84 -0.45 0.24 13.12 -0.44 0.31 16.4 -0.32 0.36 19.69 -0.32 0.32 22.97 -0.33 0.3 26.25 -0.49 0.18 29.53 -0.37 0.27 32.81 -0.4 0.31 36.09 -0.55 0.43 39.37 -0.54 0.25 42.65 -0.47 0.36 45.93 -0.33 0.38 49.21 -0.52 0.27 52.49 -0.37 0.33 55.77 -0.48 0.25 59.06 -0.37 0.15 62.34 -0.43 0.21 65.62 -0.47 0.37 68.9 -0.54 0.4 72.18 -0.42 0.17 75.46 -0.44 0.21 78.74 -0.55 0.09 82.02 -0.48 0.08 85.3 -0.26 -0.09 88.58 -0.56 -0.07
315444 10/07/2024 07:20:00 19.7 W 51.8 58.4 70 42.6 1015 98 2.5 4.8 54 0.41 0.85 0.87 0.47 - 13.35 3.28 -0.53 0.3 6.56 -0.16 0.4 9.84 -0.33 0.22 13.12 -0.18 0.36 16.4 -0.16 0.63 19.69 -0.26 0.29 22.97 -0.37 0.3 26.25 -0.24 0.25 29.53 -0.26 0.26 32.81 -0.24 0.2 36.09 -0.24 0.21 39.37 -0.44 0.26 42.65 -0.37 0.39 45.93 -0.39 0.3 49.21 -0.26 0.24 52.49 -0.16 0.24 55.77 -0.34 0.21 59.06 -0.34 0.4 62.34 -0.37 0.26 65.62 -0.23 0.31 68.9 -0.34 0.22 72.18 -0.28 0.43 75.46 -0.39 0.26 78.74 -0.42 0.25 82.02 -0.49 0.06 85.3 -0.36 0.17 88.58 -0.23 -0.13
315443 10/07/2024 07:00:00 16.1 NW 52.2 58.4 75 44.8 1015 21 2.6 4.5 45 0.48 0.81 1.08 0.3 - 13.22 3.28 -0.27 0.27 6.56 -0.33 0.27 9.84 -0.13 0.34 13.12 -0.2 0.4 16.4 -0.16 0.06 19.69 -0.31 0.2 22.97 -0.32 0.12 26.25 -0.31 0.33 29.53 -0.43 0.24 32.81 -0.29 0.1 36.09 -0.21 0.26 39.37 -0.42 0.13 42.65 -0.27 0.22 45.93 -0.32 0.12 49.21 -0.4 0.27 52.49 -0.4 0.35 55.77 -0.34 0.28 59.06 -0.23 0.2 62.34 -0.14 0.18 65.62 -0.35 0.18 68.9 -0.16 0.15 72.18 -0.36 0.21 75.46 -0.33 0.22 78.74 -0.41 0.15 82.02 -0.5 0.22 85.3 -0.29 0.14 88.58 -0.26 0.14
315442 10/07/2024 06:40:00 20.8 W 51.8 58.4 68 41.9 1015 3 2.9 4.5 61 0.33 0.91 0.99 -0.25 - 13.22 3.28 -0.27 0.27 6.56 -0.33 0.27 9.84 -0.13 0.34 13.12 -0.2 0.4 16.4 -0.16 0.06 19.69 -0.31 0.2 22.97 -0.32 0.12 26.25 -0.31 0.33 29.53 -0.43 0.24 32.81 -0.29 0.1 36.09 -0.21 0.26 39.37 -0.42 0.13 42.65 -0.27 0.22 45.93 -0.32 0.12 49.21 -0.4 0.27 52.49 -0.4 0.35 55.77 -0.34 0.28 59.06 -0.23 0.2 62.34 -0.14 0.18 65.62 -0.35 0.18 68.9 -0.16 0.15 72.18 -0.36 0.21 75.46 -0.33 0.22 78.74 -0.41 0.15 82.02 -0.5 0.22 85.3 -0.29 0.14 88.58 -0.26 0.14
315441 10/07/2024 06:20:00 17.1 N 51.8 58.3 71 42.8 1015 - 3 4.4 39 0.68 0.71 1.23 0.24 - 13.2 3.28 -0.46 0.29 6.56 -0.53 0.38 9.84 -0.39 0.42 13.12 -0.38 0.48 16.4 -0.29 0.35 19.69 -0.55 0.44 22.97 -0.48 0.43 26.25 -0.49 0.37 29.53 -0.41 0.34 32.81 -0.62 0.34 36.09 -0.39 0.43 39.37 -0.34 0.32 42.65 -0.32 0.51 45.93 -0.39 0.44 49.21 -0.51 0.4 52.49 -0.57 0.36 55.77 -0.35 0.42 59.06 -0.37 0.42 62.34 -0.27 0.42 65.62 -0.39 0.42 68.9 -0.47 0.51 72.18 -0.5 0.46 75.46 -0.37 0.37 78.74 -0.34 0.43 82.02 -0.37 0.38 85.3 -0.42 0.3 88.58 -0.31 0.15
315440 10/07/2024 05:40:00 19.5 W 51.8 58.3 68 41.7 1015 - 3.1 4.7 55 0.96 0.29 1.26 -0.02 - 13.21 3.28 -0.02 0.42 6.56 -0.29 0.5 9.84 -0.22 0.5 13.12 -0.26 0.45 16.4 -0.15 0.42 19.69 -0.22 0.44 22.97 -0.13 0.47 26.25 -0.23 0.55 29.53 -0.13 0.57 32.81 -0.19 0.6 36.09 -0.37 0.55 39.37 -0.26 0.41 42.65 -0.19 0.62 45.93 -0.27 0.48 49.21 -0.31 0.51 52.49 -0.17 0.47 55.77 -0.22 0.53 59.06 -0.18 0.51 62.34 -0.17 0.6 65.62 -0.21 0.59 68.9 -0.17 0.44 72.18 -0.09 0.55 75.46 -0.22 0.54 78.74 -0.07 0.67 82.02 -0.19 0.61 85.3 -0.2 0.62 88.58 0.08 0.38

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