This buoy is located three miles offshore of Michigan City, Indiana. The buoy, jointly owned and operated by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the Purdue University Department of Civil Engineering, will advance the understanding of near-shore waters, alert the public to hazardous conditions, protect water quality and improve weather forecasts. From about April 1 to Nov. 1 each year, the TIDAS 900 buoy will relay real-time information on wind speed, air and water temperature, wave height and direction, and other environmental characteristics. You can find out more information about the buoy here
Conditions at Station 45170 as of
10/21/2024 11:30:00 EST
Measurements in red indicate failed validity tests. Measurements in orange indicate questionable validity tests. Click on the graph icon, in the table below, to see a time series plot of the last five days of that observation. Click on the page icon to view datasheet of sensor.
Text the Station ID (45170) to (734)-418-7299 to receive the latest observation on the go.