Station: 45175 Most Recent Current Information

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Conditions at 45175 as of
10/28/2024 03:40:00 STN
(Click on 'Update' to enter changes)
Unit of Measure:    Time Zone:
Current Measurement Depth ( ):3.28 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-1.2 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.2 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):6.56 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.72 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-1.16 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):9.84 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):1.05 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.26 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):13.12 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):1.74 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.25 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):16.4 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.79 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-1.31 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):19.69 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.33 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.6 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):22.97 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-1.48 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.39 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):26.25 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.93 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.74 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):29.53 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.09 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.28 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):32.81 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.1 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):1.18 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):36.09 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-1.89 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.26 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):39.37 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-2.02 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):1.02 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):42.65 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.74 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.56 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):45.93 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.71 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-2.2 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):49.21 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.51 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.53 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):52.49 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.56 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.65 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):55.77 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.73 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.75 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):59.06 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.78 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.87 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):62.34 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.52 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.03 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):65.62 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):2.75 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.2 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):68.9 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.15 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.2 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):72.18 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.08 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.39 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):75.46 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-1.59 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.74 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):78.74 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.99 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.27 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):82.02 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0.62 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0.36 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):85.3 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-1.14 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.3 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):88.58 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):-0.48 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.41 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):91.86 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):1.09 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):-0.15 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):0 ft
Current Measurement Depth ( ):0 ft
Current Measurement Depth ( ):0 ft
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0 knots
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0 knots
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0 knots
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):95.14 ft
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):0 knots
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):0 knots
Current Measurement Depth ( ):98.43 ft
5-day plot - Northward water velocity Northward water velocity ( ):486.96 knots
5-day plot - Eastward water velocity Eastward water velocity ( ):12.84 knots

Great Lakes Research Center
    1400 Townsend Drive
    Houghton, MI, 49931
Page last modified: August 9, 2017



Michigan Tech University, in cooperation with LimnoTech and Great Lakes Observing System

Copyright © 2012-2017 Michigan Technological University